Sunday, November 23, 2014


"Guilt is like a ton of  bricks: it's only heavy if you hold on to it." He told me.
"I'm going to dump her, I just don't know when." He told her.
"I'm ready, I really need to get in for an appointment." I told the therapist.
"You have to do better." I told myself. 
"I'm sorry." I told my friends.
"I don't know if we're just holding onto it. I still have feelings for you." He said.
"Pray for me." I asked my mom.
"Please.... Help me." I asked God.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Things were oddly peculiar,
Key in the lock-
Half turned to open or to trap the scream. 

She left nothing of the former life-
Only shoes and tattered bedspread things
Where her dreams tore their fingers
Searching the mended mother holes

Keep quiet. 

You'll wake the neighbors with the
Sound of your beat less hearts 
But it may get lost in the sonic 
Noise of bustling aspirations
The car has been warmed up 
For some time but
It was never easy to go

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


She stole his bag to pour more sand in her eyes
Leveling the debt
Seeking sleep
And dreams

Turn the timer over
Lashes thick
And heavy
To tick
Away the happy lies of the day

"Sand man,  sand man, where are you?
My lips are puckered blood red
Just let me say
'How do you do?"

Silent creeks of evening willow winds
No surprise
She closed her eyes
And came up dead.